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網絡安全為您的公司帶來安全基礎。可擴展性能; 超值;負載均衡,雲服務器或專用硬件。為中小企,大企業網絡準備就緒。

OSIgate Security


OSIgate Firewall with OPNSense firmware, the future of cyber security. Scalable performance. Superior value. Enterprise Ready, Snort, Suricata, NGFW : next generation firewall protocol.

1sthost Web Design


路徑 : 主頁 網絡安全 數碼證書
SSL Certificate; Email Certificate


eDM 電子直郵,這些通常被企業用來建立品牌忠誠度或推動銷售。企業通過送禮品/免費試用/優惠套餐/電郵廣告/保險續約/稅務提醒 ... 來建立客戶和潛在客戶的電郵數據庫, eDM主要活動是適度發送廣告,直接向訂戶(客戶)發送電子通訊; SMS和促銷優惠。建立客戶和潛在客戶的電子郵件數據庫,並直接向他們發送電子郵件通訊和促銷優惠。

*不應該發送垃圾郵件給訂戶(客戶), 應該定義時間表和發送廣告節奏

獨享 eDM 雲端平台 : 專用數據庫,獨享中英語 eDM Web base 應用平台,獨享是只有您的公司可以使用, 而不是共用。也可以部署在您自己的伺服器上...


從廣義上說,每封電子郵件都可以被視為電子郵件營銷廣告。少用紙, 少印刷, 較低派送傳單的人力成本, 電郵廣告比其它宣傳媒體更節省資源及更環保,在成本上占有絕對優勢。


[廣告電子郵件] -> [eDM雲端平台] -> [訂戶/客戶]



eDM 雲端服務需要什麼功能?

1. 訂戶管理:電子郵件和聯繫人管理; 在線訂閱和退訂

2. 列表管理:將一些電子郵件分組到不同的列表中,定義匹配的名稱名單。即促銷通訊,會員續約,聖誕禮物等.

3. eDM 電郵內容管理:廣告內容編輯器,幫助撰寫新聞簡報/投資/電子郵件廣告,附加圖像,建立超鏈接.

4. 活動管理:活動信息,時間表和節奏,狀態,發送日期,行動,重新發送.

5. 廣告活動統計:總覽,發送,限制,轉發,查看,點擊,比率,查看點擊URL,查看點擊,查看打開,域統計


  • 特價優惠券
  • 新產品發布
  • 產品/服務比較
  • 假日特價優惠
  • 重新下單優惠
  • 銷售提醒
  • 私人貸款
  • 循環貸款
  • 公司簡訊
  • 行業新聞
  • “歡迎”嘗試產品
  • 推薦/案例研究
  • 提示和建議
  • 活動信息
  • 新技術
  • 研討會
  • 世博邀請
  • 年度晚宴
  • 產品茶會
  • 新的案例研究
  • 新的醫療計劃
  • 接種疫苗提醒
  • 身體檢查/體檢邀請
  • 家庭醫保/旅遊保險邀請


eDM 雲端服務收費 : 自己的電郵數據庫, 系統提供投放和點擊統計報告
1. 獨享 eDM 雲端平台 + 您自己的電郵服務器 + 您自己的電子郵件數據庫,沒有SMTP 電子郵件配額 HK$600/m
2. 獨享 eDM 雲端平台 + 使用我們的電郵服務器 + 您自己的電子郵件數據庫, 10K SMTP 電子郵件配額 HK$600/m
3. 獨享 eDM 雲端平台 + 使用我們的電郵服務器 + 您自己的電子郵件數據庫, 15K SMTP 電子郵件配額 HK$800/m
4. 獨享 eDM 雲端平台 + 使用我們的電郵服務器 + 您自己的電子郵件數據庫, 20K SMTP 電子郵件配額 HK$1000/m


eDM 廣告服務收費 : 使用我們的電郵數據庫, 系統提供投放和點擊統計報告

我們有 2018 年更新的數據庫; 4萬畢 香港公司數據庫來自建築業,工程,物流; 零售,珠寶,皮膚護理和美容,醫療,會計,律師,醫生,保險,物業代理,大廈管理,海事,政府... 數據來自政府眾多工商部門/司局; 香港生產力促進局和香港貿發局 ...

我們有 2018 年更新的數據庫; 20萬畢 按城市分類; 中國公司數據庫... 數據來自政府眾多工商部門/司局 ...

1. eDM 雲端平台 +使用我們的電郵服務器我們的電郵件數據庫: 5,000 封廣告郵件, 發送統計,點擊統計,取消訂閱 , 24小時內離散發送 HK$800
2. eDM 雲端平台 + 使用我們的電郵服務器+ 我們的電郵件數據庫: 10000 封廣告郵件, 發送統計,點擊統計,取消訂閱 , 48小時內離散發送 HK$1400


關於安全eDM雲平台費用; 定制服務和定制廣告郵件,請致電辦公室 23700993


統計報告樣本:廣告活動發送統計,點擊統計,讀取統計 ...

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Comodo Antispam Gateway
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Cloud Based Spam Mail Filter Security from Comodo1.png

Comodo Antispam Gateway

Cloud-based anti-spam filtering for corporate mail servers
  • Cloud-based (SaaS) Pre perimeter defense against spam, phishing
    emails and virus-infected attachments
  • Restores user's productivity lost to Inbox housekeeping
  • Granular configuration of user's mail management privileges

What is Spam Mail?

Commercial advertising through mails are known as spam emails. These emails are the best option that makes advertising affordable and much feasible. Spam emails are most commonly termed as junk emails. Most of the spam emails are sure to possess links that would direct the recipient to phishing or malicious website.

What is Antispam?

Anti-spam is used to refer to the software or methods used to detect spam mails or spam ads and thus protect emails, SharePoint collaboration and instant messages from malware threats. The anti-spam filter software assists in detecting and blocking spam much in advance even before it reaches the internal mail platform.

Cloud Based Spam Mail Filter Security from Comodo3.png

Comodo Antispam Gateway – Benefits

  • Cloud-based (SaaS) Pre perimeter defense against spam, phishing emails and virus-infected attachments
  • Restores user's productivity lost to Inbox housekeeping
  • Granular configuration of user's mail management privileges
  • e-Discovery of users, Active Directory and LDAP integration facilitates user account creation
  • Forensic-grade auditing of all mail management and domain configuration events
  • Mail backup archive stores mail for future recovery
  • Mail spooling stores email if the destination server is unavailable
  • Complements Disaster Recovery Planning by re-populating the local mail-store from archive
  • Webmail functionality provides business continuity should the local mail-server be unavailable to mail users

Unsolicited email is the leading cause of corporate malware infections and fraud

  • Infected attachments and phishing emails arrive in employee's inboxes on a minute-by-minute basis, and with 7 out of 10 mails received today being spam, this is a situation that threatens to overwhelm companies that do not have an effective mail filter in place.
  • Spam is also a productivity killer. If it takes an employee 4 seconds to open, identify and delete a spam mail, an organization with 300 employees receiving 10 spam messages per day will pay out for 102 lost days per year.
  • Spam slows legitimate network traffic to a crawl. By appropriating part of your bandwidth, spammers blunt your competitive edge. You could invest in a faster connection, but why pay for spammers to get quicker access to your employees?
  • Without effective protection, it's only a matter of time before any given network is infected. The sheer number of messages containing malicious attachments and phishing links make it statistically likely that a company will be hit by a spam-related threat at some point.
  • Employers have a legal responsibility to protect employees from offensive content. If pornographic, sacrilegious or socially offensive spam reaches an employee, then your business could be susceptible to litigation.
  • Your IT Team must handle every employee's spam-related complaint. This decreases their productivity and the productivity of the employee.

Cloud Based Spam Mail Filter Security from Comodo5.png

Comodo Antispam Gateway - KoruMail Cloud can reduce spam by up to 97%.

Comodo Anti-Spam Gateway features a centralized, web based management console which makes it easy for administrators to set up and control spam filtering on networks of any size.

Administrators can quickly add users and domains, configure mail blacklists and whitelists, manage quarantined emails and configure multiple users groups and permissions. Comodo Antispam Gateway features a comprehensive reporting system and also provides each employee with a login that allows them to manage their quarantined mail.

Initial setup is designed to be as painless as possible and requires only that Mail Exchanger (MX) records are redirected to Comodo's Antispam servers and that your mail server is specified as the end destination.


Cloud-based multi-vendors; multi-tech anti-spam protection for corporate mail servers, contact us now

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Dell 下一代防火牆


Dell pfsense 下一代防火牆設備已經過測試並部署在各種大型和小型網絡環境中。 Dell 260 pfsense 安全防火牆具有與 Netgate 6100 性能相似。下一代防火牆固件:pfsense,IDS/IPS、自動感知/自動防禦, 沒有年度更新費,沒有到期日,系統繼續工作。

SmarterMail Server


The Exchange Email Server Alternative

SmarterMail offers all of the same features as Microsoft Exchange Server, but just at 10% cost. We have 20 years in Email Server projects field.


it-support-services.jpg我們為大部分品牌的電郵系統提供全面的支持服務,例如 Exchange, Lotus Domino, Zimbra, mDaemon, SmarterMail, Mailenable, IceWarp, Merak, iMail, Coremail, Linux 平台:Dovecot, Postfix, Qmail, Sendmail ... 自2000年起提供服務,電話 +852.23700993


osigate_logo_54x59.pngOSIGATE 自設工廠, 我們提供多種型號的 OSIGATE 虛擬和物理防火牆設備 本地工程師提供故障轉移; 負載平衡; 安裝和支持。 +852 2370 0993

Netgate 防火牆

netgate-icon-154x153.png我們提供多種型號的 NETGATE 虛擬和物理防火牆設備 本地工程師提供故障轉移; 負載平衡; 安裝和支持。 +852 2370 0993

WeChat Apps

wechat.jpgApps on WeChat Social Network :Website on WeChat; eCommerce; Beauty Saloon, Retail; Event Manager; CRM; Hotel Apps ... Call our office : 23700993

Call Sales and Support

Please whatsapp/call office +852.23700993 or Email : sales_team @ 1sthost.com for enquiry ...


我們非常自豪地宣佈我們為客戶提供數碼證書/電郵證書,  防禦欺詐電郵 致電辦公室 +852.23700993