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搜尋引擎優化 SEO

我們提供雅虎, 谷歌, 百度...。SEO (搜尋引擎優化), 搜尋引擎廣告服務,
線上廣告365天 x 24hrs。SEO, 關鍵字, 網站優化推你的網頁更高的排名..。

現在打電話給我們詢問關於 SEO 服務細節... 電話: +852 23700993

Call us now for SEO service detail ...  Tel : +852 23700993

根據《Google搜尋引 擎最佳化指南》。這裡是我們應該做的工作..。

1. 建立獨特、準確傳達內容的網頁標題 Create unique, accurate page titles: Indicate page titles by using title tags, A title tag tells both users and search engines what the topic of a particular page is.

Accurately describe the page's content, Create unique title tags for each page  Use brief, but descriptive titles

2. 充分利用「描述」中繼標記 Make use of the "description" meta tag : A page's description meta tag gives Google and other search engines a summary of what the page is about

3. 改善網站架構 Improve the structure of your URLs :
Creating descriptive categories and filenames for the documents on your website can not only help you keep your site better organized, but it could also lead to better crawling of your documents by search engines.

4. 讓您的網站更易於瀏覽 Make your site easier to navigate : The navigation of a website is important in helping visitors quickly find the content they want.

5. 提供優質相關內容和服務 Offer quality and matched content and services :Creating compelling and useful content will likely influence your website more than any of the other factors discussed here

6. 撰寫更好的錨定文字 Write better anchor text : Anchor text is the clickable text that users will see as a result of a link, and is placed within the anchor tag

7. 最佳化圖片的使用 Optimize your use of images : Image-related information can be provided for by using the "alt" attribute
Use heading tags appropriately : Heading tags (not to be confused with the <head> HTML tag or HTTP headers) are used to present structure on the page to users. There are six sizes of heading tags, beginning with <h1>, the most important, and ending with <h6>, the least important (1).

8. 有效利用robots.txt, Make effective use of robots.txt : Restrict crawling where it's not needed with robots.txt, A "robots.txt" file tells search engines whether they can access and therefore crawl parts of your site

Be aware of rel="nofollow" for links : Setting the value of the "rel" attribute of a link to "nofollow" will tell Google that certain links on your site shouldn't be followed or pass your page's reputation to the pages linked to.

9. 告知Google 你的網站已經完成 SEO, Notify/submite your site to Google : tell Google your website is SEO ready

10. Consider do some online advertisment (i.e. Google Adwords)

Knowledge Base on Web PDF 列印 E-mail
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Knowledge Management and News Feed

News Articles and Newsletter ManagementKeep your clients updated with company news and updates with the news module. Staff users can publish articles that will appear on the support desk home page and your support desk visitors are able to subscribe to news articles by entering their e-mail address. When creating news articles you may choose to send an e-mail newsletter out to the subscriber list, publish the article on the support desk or both. Articles can be syndicated into an RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed made available to your visitors on the support desk home page.


Consolidate articles and FAQs using the knowledgebase module. Nested categorization allows articles to be organized and navigated neatly and intuitively in a tree-like structure. Used in concert with the Tickets module in SupportSuite™ and eSupport™, knowledgebase articles can easily be referenced when replying to a ticket with a few clicks. Articles can also be syndicated by category using RSS (Really Simple Syndication).

Live Web Traffic Monitor PDF 列印 E-mail
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Live Traffic monitor of your web site

Real Time Visitor Monitoring = Live Respone Application 

The Live Response Desktop Application provides real time visitor monitoring across your entire support desk and any page that displays the live chat button or (optional) visitor tracking JavaScript code. You can monitor user footprints (navigation history), the time spent on your websites as well as other detailed user information such as their country (represented by a small flag), screen size, browser, operating system, referrer and search engine information.

Search Engine Integration

Easily see what search engine a visitor used to reach your site and with what search query (keywords) they used. Use this feature to boost your site's SEO effectiveness and to better relate with visitors who would like to chat. Visitors who have reached your site via a search engine will be displayed in a different color (customizable through the support desk) than the rest, for easy identification.

Live Chat for web visitors PDF 列印 E-mail
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Live Web Chat with your visitors ... please visit www.livechat.hk for latest version and new features

Allows staff users to chat with clients and other staff users all from one location. Providing many configurable options, the Livechat Client Application can be fully customized to meet the need of each staff user/support desk combination. The interval at which site visitor data is retrieved can be customized, along with almost every other aspect of the application.


Engage Potential Customers
Break down the virtual barrier by engaging site visitors in real conversation. A "live chat" button can be placed on any page of your website as well as on the support desk home page. Visitors can request a live chat session, or a staff user can proactively request to chat with the visitor (see below). Visitors only need a web browser to chat, and since the live chat system utilizes AJAX, no page reloads are required, creating a fluid and seamless chat experience.
自 2000 年起提供高效能及不死電郵服務
ico_webmail 網郵伺服系統 ico_spam_filter 雙核欄截垃圾郵件
ico_antivirus 電郵病毒過濾器 ico_security Cisco, NetGate 保安防火牆
ico_mirror_backup 鏡像雙硬盤 ico_standby-server 後備主機



Web2.0 網上電郵信箱


互聯網流量(在正常操作下) 無限
可以使用自己的域名 (.com, .hk, .cn ... )
允許集成第三方信箱 (gmail, yahoo)
雙層殺毒, 雙層反垃圾郵件,黑白名單,垃圾郵件夾
WebMail 支持中文,英文,日文,韓文...30種語言。
基本界面 WebMail (簡單的WebMail)
專業界面 WebMail (Ajax 多任務/多窗口版)
平板電腦用戶界面 WebMail (iPhone,iPad, Android, BlackBerry)
通訊簿 x
iPhone, iPad, Android  推送郵件; 手機同步 詢問
24x7 全天候不間斷電源,空調無塵數據中心
7 天的免費服務; 3 小時即時設置
30 天退款保證


本公司正是使用世界最著名電郵統 Merak; IceWarp; Mirapoint; Smartermail; Qmail; Postfix ...
同時使用由 IceWarp Merak 提供的 "不死電郵保護系統" 及 "災難恢復系統", 確保不遺失郵件. 使用 Cisco, Netgate 防火牆

為什麼我們要超大容量郵箱 ?  將電郵備份在伺服器內有何好處 ?

  1. 你可以保留過往所有電郵在伺服器內,不必刪除,亦不會超過郵箱容量
  2. 隨時在任何地方或任何時間 從電郵伺服器 讀取你的所有往來電郵
  3. 如果你的電腦壞了或中了電腦病毒,你亦不怕遺失你所有電郵
  4. 不會因為升級硬件或軟件而失去所有電郵
  5. 就算電腦在公司, 收工後亦能查閱公司郵件, 與上司/下屬/客戶保持聯絡
  6. 你亦可保留舊同事的電郵在伺服器內,隨時取回翻閱公司舊電郵
  7. 18年互聯網絡經驗, 建立電郵或網站主機數不勝數.
  8. 貴公司不須有額外投資在電腦硬件和軟件上.
  9. 貴公司不必付出額外金錢在硬件和軟件的維修、保養或升級上.
  10. 貴公司不必額外購買 電郵伺服器軟件 及 備份軟件.
  11. 貴公司不須租用一條比較昂貴的(固定 IP)上網專線
  12. 貴公司當更換 上網供應商 ISP 時, 不會因此而中斷往來電郵.
  13. 上網供應商 ISP 提供的小容量郵箱, 電郵容易流失, 郵箱超額收費又高 
    所有其他服務公司的 每封電郵會限制於 2~3M之內, 當你要傳送大容量文件時, 你只好分開數次傳送, 極不方便, 當相遇到 設計圖, 建築圖, 印刷圖, 產品圖 時更無法傳送, 只有我們的超級電郵 服務才能滿足你公司發展
  14. 支援 雙郵件傳送埠 (dual SMTP ports), 當 port 25被 block 或繁忙 時, 尚有其他 port 366 可用
    (大部份家用寬頻 都 block 了 port 25, 而我們的雙傳送埠 25; 366 , 使你通行無阻)
  15. 為保障客戶重要的電子郵件 接收及傳送 順利, 我們設置了 四部 放在不同數據中心的 網名主機 (DNS servers)
  16. 電郵伺服器存放在 4 間 中港數據中心, 總頻寛達 10G
* 額外增加郵箱 每個只須每月 HK$5, 每月 HK$38 十個郵箱
* 額外增加郵箱容量 每 1G HK$10/月,10G HK$40/月, 100G HK$200/月
* 額外雙郵件傳送埠 (dual SMTP ports; port 25 及 366 ): 免費
* 公司獨立即時訊息伺服器 : 免費
* 公司獨立協同工作系統 : 每用戶 HK$10/月
* 額外增加雙倍單件容量, 只須 HK$100/月


  1. 提供超大容量公司郵箱 (由 1G 至 10G 不等)
  2. 選擇性 / 自動掃瞄電子郵件病毒  (AntiVirus Server)
  3. 選擇性 / 自動 9 重垃圾電郵過濾系統  (AntiSpam Server)
  4. Web2.0 網上電郵信箱服務 (Web2.0 Web mail service)
  5. 客戶可自由選擇 自動回覆, 信息或轉傳電郵服務
  6. 隨時使用線上郵箱管理功能: 不論在任何地方時間都可管理增加或刪除你的郵箱
  7. 使用者可輕易地隨時 更改密碼 和個人資料
  8. 提供全面技術支援服務, 18 年互聯網絡經驗, 電郵服務專家
  9. 24 小時不間斷電郵伺服器備有硬盤鏡映 (hard disks mirroring = 有兩個硬盤, 資料同時寫出寫入)
  10. 定時備份服務; 不會遺失任何電郵
  11. 提供 24 小時不間斷電源供應、大型數據中心專人監察
  12. 24 小時低溫泠氣,無塵 電腦房, 電源過濾, 主機極度穩定
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SMS 監測警報

sms公司網站/Server/網絡連接或路由器有問題, 我們的短訊系統會瞬間向您發送短訊提醒。您可以盡快重新啟動設備,避免用戶投訴;老闆抱怨... 歡迎致電公司 +852.23700993 查詢詳情...

Call Sales and Support

Please whatsapp/call office +852.23700993 or Email : sales_team @ 1sthost.com for enquiry ...


我們非常自豪地宣佈我們為客戶提供數碼證書/電郵證書,  防禦欺詐電郵 致電辦公室 +852.23700993